Have you ever made the mistake of hiring someone who’s not right for the organization? The cost of a bad hire can be quite astronomical; there’s the cost of the onboarding process, the recruitment process, and employee training. Making a bad hire can not only impact your revenue but it will also impact your clients and employees. As an HR professional, you’ve got no time to waste on a wrong hire. For these reasons, here a few tips that can help you avoid a bad hire.
Don’t Rush It
Nothing good ever really comes out of rushing things. Even when your business dictates that you must employ someone almost instantaneously, rushing into hiring someone who’s a wrong fit can detrimentally affect your team and organization. Rushing the hiring process can dilute hiring criteria, and omit necessary steps that would be essential when looking for quality candidates. If you feel like you’re confined with time, meet with your department and ask for some extended time to search for the ideal candidate.
Align the Description to the Role
To simply put it, a job description will outline the compulsory skills. It’s crucially important for employees to know what is expected of them and on what basis they will be evaluated. A job description is prepared in order to serve the foundation for interviewing candidates. Believe it or not, but a good job description is part of good management, and it prepares the candidates for the responsibilities that come with the position. Last but not least, the job description must encompass the accurate job role in order to avoid any misconceptions about the job.
Check For Cultural Fit
What is exactly meant by cultural fit? Cultural fit is when your employee’s values and beliefs are in line with your organization’s values and culture. In order to ensure hiring the right candidate, you must make sure they are a cultural fit. Hiring a bad cultural fit will demoralize your team and disturb the working environment, especially if the employee is loud and disruptive.
Ask More Than Just the Basic Interview Questions
When you ask questions that are not basic, you might actually reveal some information about the candidates that you may not know about. When interviewing candidates make sure you ask them how they see themselves fitting into the organization and what their goals are for the future. However, keep in mind that when you’re asking your candidates questions, do not brush past the personal line. The answers to their questions in addition to their body language, can help you make a fruitful decision and avoid a bad hire.
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Written By: Fatima Rassool