Many employees seem to think that HR departments do not have their best interests at heart and are only looking to protect the welfare of the company. Not only that but, some even refer to HR departments as the “police department” of the company, where good behavior is expected at all times and any deviation will be punished. The good news is that these negative perceptions can be changed. Here are several things that your employees don’t appreciate about your HR department.
- When HR cares only about the management, not the employees
If your HR team is more inclined to only have the interest of the management in mind, and never seems to take the employees’ side, then your employees will start to resent the HR team. A world-class HR team knows how to balance employees’ needs with the company’s strategic goals. The long-term success of the company culture is a byproduct of protecting the right of your employees.
- When HR focuses on policies rather than people
Companies need rules and policies to function properly, and the HR department is responsible for creating, applying, and monitoring the execution of these policies. However, it’s dangerous to overly focus on rigid HR policies as this would turn away your top talent. Make sure your HR team achieves the right balance between applying necessary policies and keeping the employees comfortable and engaged.
- When HR is nitpicky and focuses on minor mistakes
Some HR people keep nagging on minor employee flaws such as not wearing the proper dress code or being 5 minutes late for work. While these issues can be highlighted when employees do it repeatedly, they should not be prioritized over real problems such as lack of employee morale, high turnover rates, or lack of employee engagement. HR teams should prioritize problems according to their actual impact on the company and act accordingly.
- When HR is dishonest or unfair
Many employees complain that their HR departments are untrustworthy and they misrepresent the employee’s story to cover up their mishandling of a certain situation or that they support managers over employees regardless of evidence. The best way to avoid these problems is to ask your HR team to keep everything documented in writing.
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حنين ابراهيم
حنين إبراهيم هي رئيسة قسم التواصل في ZenHR، وتتمتع بأكثر من 8 سنوات من الخبرة في التسويق في مجال تكنولوجيا الموارد البشرية. متخصصة في المحتوى التسويقي والتسويق عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وبناء العلامة التجارية، وتؤمن بقوة بـ "قيادة الفكر" ومشاركة الرؤى حول مواضيع الموارد البشرية، والثقافة التنظيمية، وبيئة العمل.