Providing negative or even positive feedback is an important part of any manager’s job, but it should also be handled with the utmost professionalism and consideration. While getting positive feedback is always well-received by employees, many of us tend to feel uneasy when faced with negative comments. Regardless of how you feel about this, your ability to give meaningful feedback in a way that impacts employees’ motivation and behaviors positively is the only way to impact your team’s career and personal growth.
Don’t worry if you’re not an expert in providing constructive feedback – here are some tips from ZenHR to help you give more meaningful input.
- Give timely feedback
Feedback isn’t about surprising someone with comments; it’s all about helping your employees know where they stand at all times. That’s why it is highly essential that you give your feedback in a timely manner. Immediate feedback is always better than delayed feedback! Don’t wait for the annual or quarterly review to provide your input. Nothing said during formal review sessions should come as a surprise – apart from the good news of a promotion.
- Be specific
Useful feedback is specific and to the point – not general. The main goal of providing feedback is to let the employee know the specific behavior that he/she needs to avoid (or repeat). Don’t be vague and always accompany your feedback with clear specifications and quantifiable data of what you’re expecting from your people.
- Focus on situations not individuals, and on facts not feelings
Even if you’re a senior manager, you are obliged to create an environment of trust and respect among your team members. Always remember that you don’t have the right to change your employees’ personalities; however, you always have the right to criticize a work-related situation or negative behaviors in a respectful manner. Focus on the problem itself, not on your personal frustration.
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حنين ابراهيم
حنين إبراهيم هي رئيسة قسم التواصل في ZenHR، وتتمتع بأكثر من 8 سنوات من الخبرة في التسويق في مجال تكنولوجيا الموارد البشرية. متخصصة في المحتوى التسويقي والتسويق عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وبناء العلامة التجارية، وتؤمن بقوة بـ "قيادة الفكر" ومشاركة الرؤى حول مواضيع الموارد البشرية، والثقافة التنظيمية، وبيئة العمل.